Adult Neuropsychological Assessments


Our assessment philosophy takes into account your entire life circumstances in order to provide the most thorough and comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your needs. Have you ever had an experience with a doctor that made you feel as if you weren’t being heard? Or have you ever been frustrated with a therapist who seems to ‘mean well’, but doesn’t seem to know how to fix your problems?

We strive for a better way of treating people by accepting the fact that every person is unique and thus avoid the pitfalls of a ‘one-size-fits-all’ philosophy.

We perform neuropsychological assessments for a variety of people who come in, and they are not just limited to people who have brain injuries or are concerned that they might have dementia. Our stance is that cognitive profiles are essential towards painting the full picture of a human being; in the same way that colors make a painting, or buttons make a jacket, it is the lynchpin and the ‘invisible’ guiding force in our lives that help us make decisions and solve problems. Would you want to know more about yourself and how you function in the world? If so, schedule an appointment with us today!

For inquiries regarding adult assessments, please contact our office: (818) 340-7700